Retronasal Flavors

Savarin™: 3D Synchronization
Delivers Great Sugar-like Taste for Your Products
3D Synchronizer flavor, Savarin™, addresses the taste challenges of sugar-reduced food and beverages:
lack of mouthfeel and unbalanced flavor and acidity.
Savarin™ synchronizes the perception of mouthfeel, flavor, acidity, and sweetness, which improves the overall taste.

Enhanced sweetness, quickening upfront sweetness, shortening lingering
Entwining with taste profile, enhancing taste perception
Full-bodied mouthfeel
Win in go-to-market speed
Great taste = Synchronized Time-intensity profile

Disordered sweetness, acidity and flavor after removing sugar
Strong upfront acidity
Fast vanished flavor
Sweet linger

Savarin™ brings perfect pairing of sweetness, acidity, and flavor
A time-intensity profile close to that of sugar boosts and extends flavor and increased mouthfeel.
Prolong flavor intensity
Easy to use
Label friendly
Product Portfolio & Regulatory Status
Product Portfolio
Savarin™ 100CLC/100CLC 02
Recommended applications: Near-water Drinks, Flavored Water
Masks off-taste of high-intensity sweeteners; Substitute sugar or sugar alcohols, with clean taste and no typical aroma.
Recommended usage level: 100-150ppm
Savarin™ 100PN
Recommended usage level:
Recommended applications: Yogurt, Milk Products, Plant-based Dairy Products
Masks off-tastes of high-intensity sweeteners, modifies mouthfeel, balances sweetness-acidity profile, provides taffy aroma.
Savarin™ 100HY
Recommended applications: Health Drink
Masks off-tastes of high-intensity sweeteners, modifies mouthfeel, balances sweetness-acidity profile, masks off-taste, provides faint honey aroma
Recommended usage level:
Savarin™ 100CL
Recommended applications: Carbonated Beverage, Energy Drink
Masks off-taste of high-intensity sweeteners, modifies mouthfeel, balances sweetness-acidity profile, provides faint caramel aroma
Recommended usage level in general beverages: 50-100ppm
Regulatory Status
Savarin™ is in compliance with IOFI Code of Practice, FDA(GRAS) in the USA, REGULATION (EC)
No 1334/2008, and GB 30616-2020