Flavor is one of greatest joys; Flavor is created by the brain; Flavor is 80% determined by retronasal aroma.
——Neurogastronomy: How the Brain Creates Flavor and why it Matters
Gordon Shepherd,Yale University
Orthonasal and Retronasal olfaction
Orthonasal olfaction
Orthonasalstimulus delivery occurs when odorants travel inward from the anterior nares (nostrils) towards the olfactory mucosa
Orthonasalolfaction occurs during respiratory inhalation or sniffing;

Retronasal olfaction
Retronasalstimulation is caused by the ascent of odorants through the posterior nares of the nasopharynx
Retronasalolfaction occurs during respiratory exhalation or after swallowing.

Source: Orthonasal and Retronasal Odorant Identification Based upon Vapor Phase Input from Common Substances
Joshua Pierce, Bruce P. Halpern, Chemical Senses, Volume 21, Issue 5, October 1996,
Gustation + Olfaction + Mouthfeel
+ ...
Full-spectrum of identification

(Volatile Flavor)
(Tactile Sensation)
Retronasal Olfaction
Determination for swallow
Identify nutrition
Since the brain needs a "hedonic" reaction to identify nutrition, the pleasant overall flavor is obligatory for food and beverage and has to be improved through the full-spectrum process.
Interdisciplinary Neuroscience

Research of retronasal olfaction
Airborne substances
Aromatic substances
Research of hedonic mechanism and multisensory integration
Hedonic mechanism & multisensory integration
Retronasal olfaction
Find More
Gustatory sensations, somatosensations, and trigeminal responses
Research of gustatory sensations, somatosensations, and trigeminal responses
Trigeminal reaction-triggering substances
Technologies & Products that
Enhance freshness, refreshing perception, mouth-feeling…
Quick onset of sweetness
Alleviate of sweetness lingering, off-taste, off-flavor…
More function to come…
FLAVE Modulator University

The FLAVE Modulator University (FMU) is a knowledge-sharing platform dedicated to enabling the professionals of food & beverage and nutrition industry to create products that fascinate customers with the greatest taste ever since.