Fresher, Fruitier, Juicier
Freshness is most important but often neglected attribute
Lack of freshness in fruit-flavored or fruit food and beverages due to heat processing impairs the palatability of both full sugar and sugar-reduced products.
Aftertaste like bitter, tart, astringent & artificial off-notes, especially in sugar-reduced products using sweeteners, also gives an impact on the attractiveness of the products.
What is Freshness?
Freshness is a multisensory decision
Tactile mouthfeel and trigeminal reaction
“Key elements for freshness perception”
Simple and clear aroma
Congruent taste
Refreshing mouthfeel
Pre-stored memory of experience
“The top two freshness perception killers”
Ambiguous or unrecognizable aroma
Drying and coating mouthfeel (astringency, sticky…)
Source: Marvin P. Fried. Overview of Smell and Taste Disorders
Freshness in Beverages
FRESHNESS in Beverages
The aroma (smell) is the first sensory attribute contributing to freshness, assessed by the perceived closeness of the smell to the perception of the original, unprocessed fruit.
Freshness also results from a mouthfeel that is described as mouth-watering.
Freshness is the consequence of a flavor perception (processed sensory attributes) if all sensory signals point in a balanced, coordinated, and unambiguous way to the same stored image in our brain associated with freshness.
Why beverages lack freshness
”Mismatch of aroma and taste, delaying the brain from rapid recognition of flavor
Frequently beverages lack freshness due to a mismatch of aroma and taste. Any mismatch creates ambiguity and prevents an early and clear flavor recognition which is important for freshness perception
Even subtle mismatches cause ambiguity and delay in recognition but are much more difficult to improve.
Restoring Freshness of Fruity Flavor
Stimulating mouth contracting and mouth wetting
Designed for fruit-flavored beverages, Zestaroma™ restoring freshness, fruitness, and juiciness of freshly squeezed juice, stimulating mouth contracting and mouth wetting.
Quickens the flavor recognition
As shown in the diagram, Zestaroma™ quickens the flavor recognition, make it easier for the brain to make a fresh judgment.
Time/Intensity (TI) Curve for Lemon Flavor in water with or without Zestaroma™(200 ppm) and Flavor Recognition Time (RT) [mean ± s.d.]
Product Portfolio & Regulatory Status
Product Portfolio
Recommended applications:
Food/beverages using fruit-flavored flavors, fruit juice, or concentrates
Zestaroma™ 200LN 01
Suitable for fruity-flavored beverage applications with sweet flavor, or for a harmonized flavor
Regulatory Status
Zestaroma™ is in compliance with IOFI Code of Practice, FDA(GRAS) in the USA, REGULATION (EC)
No 1334/2008, labeled as ”Natural Flavor“ in the US, and “Flavouring” in EU.